Boldly Hers: Women in Leadership

Imagine a world where leadership is characterised by a diverse range of voices. A world where women rise to their full potential, using their unique strengths to drive change. This isn’t just a dream; it’s the reality we’re shaping at Regenesys Corporate Education, and our upcoming event, Boldly Hers: Celebrating Women of Strength, is a resounding testament to that mission.

women in leadership

Celebrating Women of Strength

This gathering hosted by the Regenesys Corporate Education CEO Kapil Jaggeth will be an opportunity to immerse yourself in stories of perseverance, leadership, and determination in the face of adversity. For an even deeper dive into the journeys of these remarkable women, be sure to read ‘Navigating the Journey: Reflections on Women in Leadership‘ by the event host, Kapil Jaggeth. His insightful article offers firsthand perspectives and valuable takeaways that complement the powerful stories you’ll hear at Boldly Hers.

But before we delve into the empowering stories waiting to unfold on March 8th, let’s confront a startling statistic: only 28% of leadership positions globally are held by women. This imbalance isn’t just a missed opportunity; it’s a disharmony that weakens the entire composition. The world craves the leadership style women bring – their collaborative spirit, empathetic vision, and unwavering resilience. It’s time to amplify their voices, and Boldly Hers is just another progressive step.

Women of Valour

Meet the Champions of Transformation

Our stage isn’t reserved for celebrities; it’s illuminated by the real-life heroes who redefine leadership every day. The panellists at the event are equally inspiring. From Zanele Jafta, with her passion for financial inclusion and independence, brings a wealth of experience in the financial services industry. Anna-Lee Dos Santos, the Group Head of Samsung (Africa), exemplifies leadership in driving retail strategy. Mantati Makumbila, the Group People Experience Director, showcases her visionary leadership in human resource management. Andisa Liba, a leader in human potential development, and Sithembile Ngobese, a seasoned communications and corporate affairs professional, round out this impressive lineup.

Their journeys are testaments to the power within you. They’ve navigated glass ceilings, shattered stereotypes, and emerged as leaders who inspire and empower. Through their candid conversations, you’ll gain invaluable insights into:

  • Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: The voice that whispers doubt can be silenced by the roar of your potential. Learn how these leaders silenced theirs and claimed their rightful place.
  • Building Confidence & Influence: Discover the strategies they used to develop their voices, command respect, and influence change.
  • Leading with Authenticity: In a world that often demands conformity, these women carved their own paths. Learn how to embrace your unique leadership style and make it your greatest strength.
  • Navigating Challenging Conversations: From advocating for yourself to leading difficult discussions, these leaders will share their battle-tested strategies for navigating complex situations with grace and impact.

Women in Leadership Programme

Women In Leadership Programme

Boldly Hers is more than just an event; it’s a catalyst for empowering conversations that can shape your leadership journey. At Regenesys, we are committed to turning these empowering dialogues into reality for many more women through our exclusive Women in Leadership Programme. This programme is designed to not only equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge but also to instil the confidence needed to succeed as a woman in a leadership role.

The programme is designed to equip you with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to:

  • Chart your leadership vision: Define your values, goals, and unique leadership style.
  • Develop essential leadership skills: Communication, negotiation, conflict resolution, and emotional intelligence are just a few of the areas you’ll master.
  • Build a powerful network: Connect with fellow aspiring leaders and forge a support system that fuels your growth.
  • Become a changemaker: Learn how to leverage your influence to create positive change in your organisation and community.

The Women in Leadership Programme at Regenesys Corporate Education is designed to equip women with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to excel in leadership roles. This programme is a beacon of empowerment, providing participants with the tools to navigate the complexities of the business world while staying true to their authentic selves. It’s not just about climbing the corporate ladder; it’s about transforming the landscape of leadership to be more inclusive, diverse, and equitable. The Boldly Hers event is a perfect complement to this programme. It’s a platform for sharing valuable insights and fostering a community that celebrates the unique power and perseverance inherent in every woman.

Boldly Lead the Change

Imagine the change your leadership could create. Join us at Boldly Hers and discover the power within you. Be inspired by the stories, equipped by the knowledge, and empowered by the network. Together, let’s rewrite the melody of leadership, one bold note at a time.

Boldly Hers Even Celebrating Women of Strength

The Women in Leadership Programme and the Boldly Hers event are more than just educational opportunities; they are a call to action. They remind us of the incredible potential within each woman to lead, inspire, and make a difference. By participating in these initiatives, you’re not just investing in your personal growth; you’re contributing to a larger movement towards a more inclusive and equitable world.

Reserve your Seat at Boldly Hers Today and embark on your leadership journey with Regenesys.


Remember, the world needs your unique leadership styles. Don’t wait for someone else’s direction; start making your impact today.


Written By Thabiso Makekele

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